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Monday 5 August 2019

STARLIFE: The Inseparables Teasers for August 2019

STARLIFE: The Inseparables Teasers for August 2019

Read Game of Love Teasers for August 2019

Read Family Affairs Teasers for August 2019

Read Kulfi-the singing star Teasers for August 2019

Thursday 1 August 2019
Episode 103
Swamini tells Virat to maintain distance from Maanvi. Dr Mannan, meanwhile, hides the news of Maanvi's illness from Jeevika. Later, Beeji goes to the hospital to meet the doctor.
Episode 104
Viren prays for Jeevika and Maanvi's bond to stay intact forever. Maanvi, on the other hand, fears that death could break her apart from Viren.

Friday 2 August 2019
Episode 105
Maya tells Swamini about Virat's love for her, but Swamini ignores it. Meanwhile, Beeji breaks down while reminiscing about Maanvi's childhood. Later, Swamini asks Virat to give some files to Dadaji, but he refuses.
Episode 106
Beeji decides to hide Maanvi's medical reports from Jeevika. She later visits a temple and vows to God to keep Jeevika alive. Meanwhile, Jeevika grows suspicious about Beeji hiding something from her.

Monday 5 August 2019
Episode 107
Manan lies to Viren about Maanvi's health. Meanwhile, Madan returns home from his trip with many gifts for Dabbu and Pinky. On the other side, Virat calls up Maanvi and taunts him for making him stick with a boring job.
Episode 108
Beeji hides the news of Maanvi's cancer from Madan as well. Madan, however, gets suspicious about her strange behaviour with Jeevika. Meanwhile, Maanvi gets a panic attack while playing.

Tuesday 6 August 2019
Episode 109
Madan and Jeevika confront Beeji for her strange behaviour. Meanwhile, Swamini gives Maya a second chance to win over Virat's love. She tells about Maanvi about it and thanks her for suggesting Virat's marriage to Dadaji.
Episode 110
Swamini seeks Maanvi's help in reviving Maya and Virat's relationship. Jeevika overhears their conversation. On the other side, Madan gets to know about Maanvi's cancer and decides to get a second opinion about it.

Wednesday 7 August 2019
Episode 111
Maanvi hatches a plan to bring Maya and Virat closer. She arranges for the duo to meet at a cafe. Virat arrives at the cafe and sees Maya playing with the schoolchildren.
Episode 112
Virat scolds Maanvi for interfering in his life. He insults Maya as well. Meanwhile, Viren tells Jeevika about the possibility of Maanvi and Virat being in love with each other. Beeji decides to tell Jeevika about Maanvi's cancer.

Thursday 8 August 2019
Episode 113
Maanvi apologises to Virat for interfering in his life. Beeji, in the meantime, tries to tell Jeevika about Maanvi's cancer, but in vain. Later, Beeji and Madan notice bruises on Maanvi's body.
Episode 114
Maanvi threatens to go on a hunger strike if Virat doesn't talk to Maya. Viren sees Virat feeding Pizza to Maanvi and assumes that they are in love. Later, Beeji and Madan take Maanvi to the cancer specialist in Chandigarh.

Friday 9 August 2019
Episode 115
Viren suspects Jeevika to be pregnant when she suddenly faints at the Holi party. On learning about Jeevika's pregnancy, Beeji decides not to tell Jeevika about Maanvi's cancer.
Episode 116
Jeevika learns that she is not pregnant. Meanwhile, Maya arrives at the party in a sari as per Maanvi's advice. Later, Beeji and Madan plan to take Maanvi to Rishikesh for treatment, but Swamini forces them to stay back for Holi.

Monday 12 August 2019
Episode 117
Maanvi advises Maya to ignore Virat in order to gain his attention. Meanwhile, Viren gets drunk and dances with Jeevika. Virat confesses to Maya about still having a soft corner for her.
Episode 118
Madan takes away the report before Maanvi could read it. Maanvi, then, asks Manan about her reports, but in vain. Later, Manan advises Beeji to tell Maanvi the truth so they could begin her treatment soon.

Tuesday 13 August 2019
Episode 119
Maanvi seeks Viren's help in convincing Beeji to let her stay at the Vadhera house. She pretends to fall down and hurt herself. Beeji tells Manan that the Rishikesh trip will be postponed.
Episode 120
Manan gets worried about Maanvi's treatment. He calls up on Jeevika's phone, by mistake, to speak to Beeji. On the other side, Virat speaks rudely to Maya when she calls to thank him.

Wednesday 14 August 2019
Episode 121
Maanvi follows Virat as he storms out of the house in anger. Beeji panics on seeing her lying unconscious on the road. Later, Beeji asks her to come to Rishikesh with her, but Maanvi refuses.
Episode 122
Maanvi decides to hide the truth from Jeevika and pretends to be happy all the time. On the other side, Virat asks Maya not to contact him again. Later, Maanvi gets emotional when Vanshika wishes for her and Jeevika's long life.

Thursday 15 August 2019
Episode 123
Maya tells Swamini about Virat's decision of not meeting her again. Upon learning this, Maanvi writes a love letter to Virat on Maya's behalf. On the other side, Viren and Jeevika suspect Madan and Beeji of hiding something from them.
Episode 124
Viraat reads the love letter and wishes to stop Maya from leaving for London. Meanwhile, Jeevika plans to take Maanvi for dinner before she goes back to Rishikesh.

Friday 16 August 2019
Episode 125
Swamini throws a party for Virat and Maya's reunion. Viren, however, is not pleased with the duo's patch up. Meanwhile, Beeji decides to tell Jeevika about Maanvi's cancer.
Episode 126
Maanvi threatens not to undergo treatment if Beeji tells Jeevika about her cancer. Swamini, Viren and Jeevika raise a toast to Maanvi for bringing together Viraat and Maya.

Monday 19 August 2019
Episode 127
Maanvi arrives at Rishikesh with Beeji. Dabbu amd the kids get excited on seeing Maanvi. Maanvi requests Beeji not to let anyone learn about her cancer.
Episode 128
Manan visits Beeji's house to enquire
about Maanvi's health. Maanvi requests him not to tell anyone about her cancer. Meanwhile, Maya follows Maanvi's advice and pretends to be all nice with Viraat.

Tuesday 20 August 2019
Episode 129
Madan and Beeji take Maanvi to the hospital for treatment. Manan assures them of Maanvi getting a good treatment there. Madan and Beeji, then, worry about the treatment expenses.
Episode 130
Maanvi braves the first day of her treatment successfully. Meanwhile, Swamini plans Viraat and Maya's engagement. Viren and Vanshika do not seem very happy with the news.

Wednesday 21 August 2019
Episode 131
Viren gets displeased on seeing Maya ridiculing Jeevika for choosing a simple bangle set. On the other side, Pinky fights with Madan for pawning her jewellery.
Episode 132
Maanvi promises a crying Dabbu, never to leave him alone. Pinky offers more of her jewellery for the treatment expenses. On the other side, Maya promises to make dinner for the Vadhera family despite knowing nothing about cooking.

Thursday 22 August 2019
Episode 133
Everyone appreciates Maya's culinary skills, unaware of the fact that she ordered the food from a restaurant. However, Viren sniffs out her lie. Swamini announces Maya's engagement with Virat.
Episode 134
Beeji asks all the family members to behave normal with Maanvi. On the other side, Viraat praises Maya in front of Viren despite her bad behaviour.

Friday 23 August 2019
Episode 135
Dadaji asks Viraat to list out things that he likes about Maya. Viraat fails to do so. Later, he defends Maanvi when Maya criticizes her lifestyle. He even calls Maya by Maanvi's name, by mistake.
Episode 136
Maanvi begins to get the cancer symptoms. She gets exhausted and dizzy while playing, and also experiences extensive hair fall. On the other side, Vanshika tells Jeevika that she doesn't approve of Maya.

Monday 26 August 2019
Episode 137
Viren is adamant on proving that Maya is not the right girl for Viraat. He makes Maya confess about ordering food for dinner the other day. He accuses her of confessing it to, not because of guilt, but out of fear.
Episode 138
Maya apologizes to everyone for lying about cooking. Swamini and Viraat berate Viren for doubting Maya. On the other side, Dabbu stops Maanvi from eating pakodas and tells her that everyone in the family knows about her illness.

Tuesday 27 August 2019
Episode 139
Maanvi fumes on learning about Viraat's quarrel with Viren. She instructs Viraat to apologise to Viren. Meanwhile, Jeevika provokes Maya to live away from the family after her marriage with Viraat.
Episode 140
Viraat and Maanvi have a fight over Viren trying to separate them from the family after marriage. Meanwhile, Maanvi sends a philosophical SMS to Viraat.

Wednesday 28 August 2019
Episode 141
Maya gets angry with Viraat on hearing his decision to give up his family and wealth after marriage. Viraat, then, learns about Maanvi having written the love letter on Maya's behalf.
Episode 142
Swamini questions Viraat about breaking up with Maya, but in vain. Viraat calls off his friendship with Maanvi as well. Later, Viren makes him realise about his feelings for Maanvi and goes to Rishikesh to propose her.

Thursday 29 August 2019
Episode 143
Swamini holds Maanvi responsible for Maya and Viraat's breakup. Even Jeevika warns Maanvi to stay away from Viraat. Meanwhile, Madan assures Beeji of treatment expenses been taken care of.
Episode 144
Viraat meets Maanvi at Rishikesh. Maanvi scolds him for breaking up with Maya. She faints before hearing Viraat propose to her. Viraat, then, informs Beeji about taking Maanvi to the hospital.

Friday 30 August 2019
Episode 145
Maanvi asks Viraat to take her home before Dr Manan sees her. At home, Viraat grows suspicious about why her family is being extra protective about her. On the other side, Swamini forgives Viren for not sharing his views about Maya.
Episode 146
Maanvi sees Viraat puncturing his tyre to stay in her house. Viren, then, advises him to ignore Maanvi in order to get her attention. On the other side, Viren continues to avoid speaking to Jeevika.

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